
e-Food (E-learning tools for Food technology and development education) is a European project funded under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program. The University of Zaragoza through the Agri-Food Institute of Aragon (IA2) participates in this project together with partners such as the University of Food Technologies of Plovdiv -coordinator of the consortium-, the University "Claude Bernard" of Lyon (France), the University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu (Romania) and the University of Debrecen (Hungary).
The project consortium has set itself the ambitious task of developing standards to unify curricula in the field of food technology. In this way, the project seeks to solve the problems that have been observed for years in the implementation of student and teacher mobility within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. In addition to the development of standards for classical training, the project partners envisage the development of educational standards and training materials for so-called continuing education (realization of short-term courses in the form of specializations).
These educational standards will form the basis for the creation of educational databases containing traditional food products, characteristic of each of the project partner countries, raw materials, processes and innovations in the production of food and beverages. These contents will be developed by different specialists from a multidisciplinary viewpoint, addressing topics such as food technology, microbiology, biochemistry, marketing and nutrition.
The project is the continuation of a long-standing cooperation between the partners: UFT, the University "Claude Bernard" in Lyon (France) and the University of Zaragoza (Spain) are working on the development of concepts for so-called "tailor-made food" within the framework of the project "Strengthening the research excellence and innovation capacity of University of Food Technologies - Plovdiv through the sustainable development of tailor-made food systems with programmable properties", funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria. In addition, between 2016 and 2019, UFT, "Claude Bernard" University of Lyon (France), "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (Romania) and the University of Debrecen were partners in the project "Knowledge triangle for food innovation by harnessing the tradition and ensuring sustainability (KNOWinFOOD)", also funded by the Erasmus+ program.
All the information about the project: https://www.e-food.uft-plovdiv.bg/