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Responsable del servicio
Raúl Mainar

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Información sobre protección de datos personales

El responsable de tratar sus datos es Instituto de Investigación Mixto Agroalimentario de Aragón (en adelante IA2) con domicilio en: Calle Miguel Servet, nº 177, 50013. Si necesita ayuda sobre el tratamiento de sus datos puede contactar con:

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Conforme a lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente en materia de protección de datos de carácter personal (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril) le informamos que los datos personales que nos ha facilitado pasarán a ser tratados, como responsable, por el IA2 con la finalidad de tramitar la organización, participación y difusión de este evento.

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Podrá acceder, rectificar, suprimir, oponerse o ejercer su derecho a la limitación del tratamiento de sus datos y revocar el consentimiento en cualquier momento en los términos que puede consultar en la información adicional.

Información adicional    
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Microbial identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing service

The Microbial Identification and Antibiotic Sensitivity Assessment Service provides both the equipment and the professionals necessary for microbiological identification and antimicrobial resistance studies using the Vitek®2 Compact equipment. This equipment, capable of identifying and evaluating microbial resistance quickly and accurately, is offered as a new scientific-technical service available not only to the research community but also open to external users. The features included in the service range from the isolation of the strains to be studied, to their subsequent identification and the study of resistance of the isolates against a wide range of antimicrobial compounds by determining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs).

Areas of applicability of the technique:

  • Bacterial infection management
  • Management of antimicrobial resistances in various fields
  • Bacterial identification
  • Antibiotic sensitivity testing
  • Detection of specific resistances
  • Study of fungal infections.

1 Prior preparation of the sample: isolation of the microorganisms to be studied.

Service performed by the Microbiological Analysis Service of the General Service for Research Support - SAI.

2 Microbial identification: VITEK.

Services provided by the Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón - IA2.

3 Performance of antimicrobial susceptibility testing (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration): VITEK.

Services provided by the Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón - IA2.

Modalities of service provision:

These services can be carried out by qualified personnel belonging to the Institute, although the possibility of self-service is also offered (only available for internal requests). In the latter case, the user will be responsible for carrying out the analyses, always under the supervision of a member of the SCT. Self-service does not include consumables, which must be purchased by the user.


Vitek®2 Compact, BioMérieux