Assisted reproduction and animal health (RAYSA)

RAySA, the Assisted Reproduction and Animal Health group, is a multidisciplinary team selected by the Government of Aragon as a Benchmark Group (grupo de referencia). Its main objectives are: 1) integrating animal health and reproduction in the agri-livestock sector of the Region of Aragon; 2) developing novel reproduction techniques that increase the livestock sector’s productivity; and 3) encouraging health and hygiene control of livestock species including aquatic species, by reducing the use of antibiotics with the goal of obtaining residue-free products and thus mitigating their potentially negative impact on human health.

What do we do?
  • Establishing relations with agrifood companies in the Region of Aragon and offering counseling/collaboration in R&D&I, with the goal of developing novel products that increase the sector’s productivity​
  • Implementing epidemiological surveillance systems​
  • Safety of vaccine adjuvants in sheep​
  • Developing new products in the areas of animal health and reproduction, thereby fomenting innovation and transferring research results to the livestock sector
Main projects, patents, etc.
  1. PID2020-114617RB-I00: Evaluation of the vaccine potential of ABC receptors with the purpose of developing new vaccines against Streptococcus suis (ABC-VACINESs). Agencia estatal de investigación. (01/09/2021 - 31/08/2024).​
  2. FCT-21-16956: "CoCo Pandemic": contagion of knowledge. Spanish foundation for science and technology. Other financial resources. (01/07/2022 - 30/06/2023).​
  3. PID2021-122409OB-C21: Predictive modeling and simulation of patient-derived tumor organoids: unraveling the role of matrix stiffness and glucose metabolism on tumor growth. (TUMATRIX-MODELING. Agencia estatal de investigación. Unión europea. (01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025).​
  4. RECRIAINNOVA: NEW TOOLS TO OPTIMIZE THE DEVELOPMENT AND SELECTION OF FUTURE STUD ANIMALS FOR BEEF CATTLE. Aragonese association of Limousin cattle breeders. (15/03/2021 - 15/10/2024)