Research on plant-based foods (GIAOVE)

In the region of Aragon, this research group is a reference in the areas of agronomy, post-harvest, transformation and processing of fruits, vegetables, truffles, cereals, and other plant-based products.. ​

The group is made up of over 16 members of different disciplines and specialties who work at Zaragoza University and CITA. ​

This research group works in close relationship with the different agents of the agrifood chain, a necessary and encouraged collaboration, which allows the group to direct its research excellence to face the challenges of production, conservation, transformation, marketing, and highlighting the advantages of plant-based foods.

What do we do?
  • Economically and socially sustainable farming alternatives.​
  • Application of 4.0 technologies in pre- and post.-harvest.​
  • Post-harvest technologies and the development of new products.​
  • Technological development of new biomaterials and processes.
Main projects, patents, etc.
  1. “Eva-Carrot Implementation of the ECPGR European Evaluation Network (EVA) on wheat/barley and vegetable crops (carrot, lettuce and pepper)”: EVA network – Carrot. Programa Cooperativo Europeo de Recursos Fitogenéticos (ECPGR). (2019 – 2024). ​
  2. “INnovation in Truffle cultivation, preservAtion, proCessing and wild truffle resources managemenT (INTACT)”. H2020-EU.1.3.-Excellent Science-Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE 101007623. (2021-2024).​
  3. “Edible packaging for fresh truffle (Editruff)”. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2022-142850OR-I00. (01/09/2023-01/09/2026) ​
  4. “Hyper-sustainable domestic appliances with a high impact on the culinary experience (HIPATIA)”-CPP-2021-008938. (01/09/2022-31/08/2025).​
  5. “Increasing the viability, competitiveness, and sustainability of ecological farming of cereals in Aragon: New, healthy foods Km O (CereKmO)”. Programa de Desarrollo Rural para Aragón 2014-2020, para el año 2022. 
Useful links