The IA2 has the following Governing, Management and Advisory bodies:
Governing Body
The Governing Committee is the governing body of the IA2. It is responsible for all issues and incidents that affect the definition of its lines of research, structure and operation. This Governing Committee is made up of the Managing Director of CITA, the Vice Rector of Science Policy of UNIZAR, the General Director of Research, appointed by the Managing Director of CITA, the General Director of the IA2, the General Director of Research, appointed by the Managing Director of CITA, and the Vice Rector of Science Policy of UNIZAR.
Governing and Management Bodies: the Institute Council and the Steering Committee
The Institute Council is chaired by the Director of the Institute and is made up of more than 200 members: the Permanent Research Staff, the Temporary Research Staff who hold a doctoral degree, 2 representatives of the Temporary Research Staff who do not hold a doctoral degree and 2 representatives of the Administration and Services Staff.
The Steering Committee is made up of the Director, two Deputy Directors, one belonging to CITA and a second belonging to UNIZAR who acts as Secretary, and the 4 Heads of Division.
The Divisions are the personnel organization units. The Institute is currently structured in 4 Divisions: Plant science and sustainable systems, Animal science, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Health; and Agri-food and environmental economics.
Advisory Body
Finally, the IA2 has an advisory body, the External Advisory Committee.
This body, whose creation is provided for in Article 12 of the IA2 Rules of Organization and Functioning, is currently composed of three members: Armand Sánchez Bonastre (president, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Miguel I. Gómez (Cornell University) and Iñaki Hormaza Urroz (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas -CSIC-).
You may view a graphic representation of this organization chart by clicking on the following link.