
Post-doc opportunity in The Gambia

Post-doctoral research fellow, the LNS Phytase Study
University of California, Davis
based in Keneba, The Gambia

We are implementing a randomized, controlled trial to determine the efficacy of adding exogenous phytase to small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) on the absorption of zinc among young children in The Gambia.  We are seeking to hire a scientific field coordinator to assist with the rigorous implementation of this RCT, which employs a triple zinc stable-isotope ratio tracer technique to assess zinc absorption from meals containing SQ-LNS, and data collection concerning baseline anthropometric and nutritional status.  The ideal candidate would be a post-doctoral scientist with background in Nutrition, International Nutrition, or Medicine with interest in one or more of the foregoing topical areas and prior field experience in a lower income country. 

Nature of position

This position involves study planning, staff training and supervision (approximately 5 individuals) and quality assurance of data collection procedures. Possibilities are available for data analysis and interpretation, and related report writing. The project takes place in Keneba, The Gambia, at the Medical Research Council, The Gambia Unit/International Nutrition Group field station; and the incumbent will be expected to reside at the field site during the period of data collection (?4-6 months).  The approximate start date will be January 1, 2017.  The post-doctoral scholar is hired through the University of California, Davis. Salary is based on experience, per NIH post-doctoral scholar stipend scales and the UC Davis policy. 

Major responsibilities

The incumbent will oversee data collection for the study, as described above.  The incumbent will be responsible for on-site supervision of field personnel, including oversight of meal preparation, administration of stable isotope doses, and biological samples (urine and blood) collection.  The incumbent will be responsible for technical guidance of field personnel, quality control of data collection, and coordination of data management with the IT team.  After completion of the data collection, the incumbent may take the lead in writing a scientific publication on study results.   

This position requires a doctoral degree (PhD) in biomedical sciences, human nutrition or public health (with emphasis in epidemiology, infectious disease, or nutrition), or a degree in medicine (MD) and experience carrying out clinical or community-based studies related to micronutrient deficiencies.  Advanced graduate students with prior experience in the stable isotope technique will be considered.  English language fluency is an important prerequisite.

For additional information, contact Dr. Ryan Wessells, Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis (  To apply, please send a current CV, cover letter and contact information for references to Dr. Wessells by November 15, 2016.  If you will be attending Micronutrient Forum in Cancun, Mexico from October 24-28, 2016 please contact Dr. Wessells to arrange an informal conversation regarding this position.