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Department 1-Plant science and sustainable systems

Head of division
Jérôme Grimplet

The lines of research being developed in this field are those leading to materials and technologies that increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector. The characterisation and conservation of plant genetic resources, the study of diversity and traits of interest are the starting point for developing, through genetic improvement, new materials that improve existing ones and respond to the demands of the sector.

Likewise, the optimisation of production requires knowledge of crucial physiological processes in plants, as well as the design of new strategies to optimise the management of agricultural inputs. Also, understanding how these physiological processes adapt to the effects of climate change, as well as crop protection based on integrated pest management, are fundamental to achieve greater optimisation of production and develop sustainable agricultural systems, under current and future conditions conditioned by global warming.

All of this with the aim of ensuring the yield and quality of production, with an environmental impact that respects the environment, increases competitiveness and guarantees the sustainability of the agricultural sector.

In this context, four general lines of research are proposed in the field of Plant Science and Sustainable Systems that address the aspects of interest mentioned above.