Socio-Ecological systems: Resilience, sustainability and system governance in the face of global change

From an interdisciplinary perspective, this group’s research activities focus on the analysis of interactions among social, ecological, and institutional components of agrifood systems.  ​

Our main goal is to find sustainable natural resource management mechanisms that help communities adapt to global change while maintaining social welfare and continuing to provide services associated with nature. ​

  • Resilience and Sustainability​

              - Evaluating and designing management strategies for agrifood systems.​

              - Using computational models to study climate change scenarios. ​

  • Governance​

              - Diversity and evolution in the face of global change.​

              - Assessing system resilience when confronting climate change.​

              - Successful configuration patterns in the face of climate change. 

What do we do?
  • Using integrated schemes and participative methodologies to analyze sustainability and resilience of agrifood systems associated with the use of natural resources.​
  • Analyzing governance of shared management of natural resources.​
  • Analyzing the evolution of agrifood systems and their potential for adaptation to various future scenarios within the framework of global change.​
  • Designing agro-environmental policies.​
  • Analyzing the behavior of agents that form part of socio-ecological systems. 
Main projects, patents, etc.
  1. “Evolution of institutional diversity in a changing world: Finding solutions in resilient agricultural systems (RESILIENT RULES)”. ERC-CoG-2021. (2022-2026).​
  2. “Food safety in traditional livestock systems in arid environments”. Proyectos Nacionales de Investigación e Incidencia (PRONAII 319072) del CONACYT, México. (2022-2025). ​
  3. “Actions for boosting pollination in rural and urban areas (PollinAction)”. LIFE2019, NAT/IT/000848. (2020-2025). ​
  4. “Reinforcing resilience in the husbandry of local breeds of small ruminants: from COVID-19 to global change (RUMIRES)”. AEI «Proyectos de I+D+i» RETOS 2020. Proyecto nº PID2020-120312RA-I00. (2021-2025). ​
  5. “Social welfare and sustainability of livestock systems: Synthesis and socio-ecological modelling in the fase of global change (SOSLIVESTOCK)”. Proyecto de I+D+i, MCINN. (2020-2024). ​
  6. “Developing and validating methodologies that evaluate RESilience in agricultural SYStems: from the farm to the territory (RESSIST)”. Proyecto Consolidación Actividad Investigadora. Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. AEI. (2023-2025).