Prion diseases, vectorial diseases, emergent zoonoses

For over 20 years, this group has been studying prion diseases: concretely, ovine scrapie and bovine spongifrom encephalopathy, which are of great relevance in the area of food safety. We have conducted research on the diagnostic, pathogeny, genetics, strain characterization, transmission, prevention, epidemiology, and control of prion diseases. We have likewise carried out a number of studies on lentiviral diseases in small ruminants, as well as on the health state of general wild fauna and game animals in Aragon. We have carried out studies on illnesses transmitted by arthropods and their vectors, such as bluetongue and Nile valley disease. We are currently involved in studies of emergent or re-emergent diseases including SARS-Cov-2, Clostridioides difficile, Hepa55s E, rabies, tuberculosis, brucellosis, scabies, leishmaniasis, and Epizoo5c Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD).

What do we do?
  • Studying prion diseases in animals.
  • Studying prion-like human neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimers and
  • Studying emergent and re-emergent diseases in domestic animals, general wild fauna,
    and game animals.
  • Studying vector-driven diseases.
  • Studying the relevant role of domestic animals in the areas of food safety and public
  • Studying animal well-being and animal diseases in collaboration with other research
    groups and the private enterprise sector.
Main projects, patents, etc.
  1. Grant for actions aimed at the iden5fica5on of individuals affected by a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy,
    the maintenance of food safety in the different links of the chain, and the development of new methodologies for
    the detection of emerging pathogens. Financed by the Government of Aragon (from 2001 to the present).
  2. Development of thermostable, mRNA-based vaccines to combat the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2. Financed by: UECDTI-CERTEST. (2022-2023).
  3. Urease inhibitors to mitigate ammonia emission and improve integrated slurry management (“porc-n-free”).
    Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación. (2022-2025).
  4. Stop-eeb: Revaluation of slaughterhouse by-products of the sandachs1 category by hydrolysis and pyrolysis to
    obtain products of high agronomic value. Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación. ( 2023-2025).
  5. Potential molecules for the diagnosis and therapy of prion diseases in organoids and animal models. Financed by:
    Agencia Estatal de Inves5gación/European Union. ( 2023-2025).
Useful links