Sustainable plant production (PROVESOS)

Objective: to contribute to the development of plant production technologies that make an efficient use of natural resources within the framework of an economically viable agricultural activity with a reduced environmental footprint. ​

Members: The consolidated research group PROVESOS is made up of researchers, technical personnel and collaborating technicians who work for the Aragon Center of Investigation of Agrifood Technology (CITA), the University of Zaragoza, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM), the Center of Plant Health and Certification (CSCV), and the Center of Agrifood Transfer (CTA) of the Aragon Government Department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Nutrition. This multidisciplinary team ensures that the group can conduct a wide variety of activities, ranging from research projects, knowledge transfer programs, and technical-professional training projects.

What do we do?
  • Use and genetic improvement of phytogenetic resources of horticultural fruit species:​

    Identification, selection and introgression of genes of interest (efficiency, productivity, resilience, and quality of cultivars and products)​
    Factors that influence their phenotypical expression​

  • Protection of crops from pests, diseases, and weeds based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM):​

    Techniques for identification and diagnosis of harmful agents​ Follow-up, risk evaluation, and consultancy in pest management in the Autonomous Community of Aragon​
    Biological and ecological dynamics of agricultural ecosystems​ Making best use of the ecosystem’s own resources and services​ 
    Innovative Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies

Main projects, patents, etc.
  1. PID2020 116055RB-C22. Multidisciplinary approaches to control losses caused by diseases and drought in melón and watermelon (2021-2024)  ​
  2. RTA PID2020-113865RR-C41. Liquid-applied mulches for weed control in woody crops, horticultural crops, and urban environments as a contribution to the circular economy in Aragon (2021-2024)​
  3. CPP2021-009035 OíBio. “4.0-type agronomic and biotechnological strategies for control and prevention of powdery mildew in vineyards of the Cariñena Denomination of Wine Origin” (2022-2024).​
  4. PI2021-123600OR-C42. XANTHERWO, Disease-causing Xanthomonas in arable and woody crops; detection, resistance mechanisms against copper, and biocontrol via antagonistic bacteria (2022-2025).​
  5. LIFE19 NAT/IT/000848. PollinAction, Actions for boosting pollination in rural and urban areas (2020-2025)​
  6. AGROALNEXT Programme, Complementary R&D&I plans of Autonomous Communities. BIODIVERSA, Biodiverse Resilient Agricultural Systems (2022-2025) 
Useful links